• Drought proofing the yard

    Posted on June 4, 2014 by in Texas Weather


    Drought Proofing  The Yard

    If you live in Texas you understand the meaning of drought. We have found 6 steps of drought proofing the yard and help prevent your garden from looking like a drought.  These tips will help conserve water as well as money!

    • Keep things simple– plants that can tolerate the drought are the easiest way to help keep the yard drought-proof. This http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/Default.aspx will help with figuring out which plants have the best chance at thriving.
    • Location is the key– Keeping water-needy plants in your garden can be done just make sure you place them in a location where they can get water naturally by using a downspout.
    • Rocky times– use gravel as an accent feature; used as a pathway or even between the sidewalk and the street.
    • Rain check – Rain Barrels can come in handy to conserve water and use to water the yard and garden. There are simple ways to make your own, head down to your local hardware store and buy a plastic trash can or buy one the doubles as a composter as well as a rain catcher.
    • Green with envy – Want the luscious thriving green grass? Switch out that grass that requires lot of water in order to maintain it, with more “drought friendly” grass.
    • Get rid of the lawn altogether – To help with Drought Proofing the yard, Plant a drought-tolerant ground cover such as thyme, lantana and hens-and-chicks instead of grass.

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