A few good TIPS To Save Your Home!!!
Security Measures that Burglars Loathe
Tips to save your home from burglary! If you think you’re not at risk of being a victim of burglary, think again. If there’s an opportunity to invade your home, no matter who you are or where you live, burglars will take the chance. “Burglaries are considered ‘crimes of opportunity’ because the criminal is looking for the easy way to get into your home – the unlocked door, open garage door or open window,” says Charlene Miller, Crime Prevention Neighborhood Watch director at the Boise Police Department. Fortunately, “There are practical security measures you can take to make it so difficult for burglars that they’ll go somewhere else,” Miller adds. Want to learn what these measures are? Here are nine things you can do to make burglars think twice before trying to enter your home.
Don’t Burn Down Your House Being Green – Dispose of Batteries Properly
We use batteries to power hundreds of things in our daily lives to make our lives unbelievably more convenient, efficient and varied. However, those innocuous little powerhouses can pose significant, even deadly, environmental and safety hazards. There is a good general article about how to dispose of batteries properly here. Batteries can also be inadvertent fire starters. One of our readers suggested we share this You Tube video from a man who lost his home because he didn’t properly store them for later recycling.
Ratings of Programmable Thermostats
Do Programmable Thermostats Save Money? The short answer is yes. More precisely, they save families an average of $300 to $400 a year on energy costs. According to Energy Star, an average household spends close to $2,200 a year on energy bills, half of which goes towards heating and cooling empty and unused spaces. In other words, people are spending too much to heat and cool their homes, and are wasting energy in the process. If your energy bills are getting out of control, a simple programmable thermostat such as the Nest, the Hunter Touchscreen Max or the Honeywell Prestige Pro may save you thousands of dollars over the lifespan of your heating and cooling systems.
Five Solutions for Homeowners Struggling to Pay their Mortgage
To rally the nation during the Great Depression, president-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt famously remarked that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” But some 81 years later, his words could represent a rallying cry for homeowners who might be struggling to deal with mortgage woes. According to industry professionals, fear can be a major factor that prevents homeowners from taking the necessary steps they need to turn their negative situations into positive ones. “What we commonly run into is that we have people who put their heads in the sand,” says Aaron Ninness, a senior loan consultant with First California Mortgage who is based in Denver, Colorado. “There are a lot of great options out there, but they require open communication with mortgage companies and (loan) servicers.” If you’re a struggling homeowner, potential solutions could be well within your grasp.